Padam Shree Awardee Mr. Tom Alter visited Manav Rachna Educational Institutions


Padam Shree Awardee Mr. Tom Alter visited Manav Rachna Educational Institutions on 22.08.16 for a Book Release event “VIVID” a book of 12 vibrant stories by Manav Rachna International School (Charmwood) students. During his candid chat with RMR team after the Book Release event, he said that various creativities in him are like different body parts of his body. He loves to Act, Author a Book, do Theatre, be a Journalist and fulfill various other passions, but Honesty should always be the key to success in life.

He congratulated RMR 107.8 FM for doing Community Service and dispensing valuable information & awareness in the society from past seven years. Ryan Spooner Authentic Jersey